an element of the hydraulic oil tank which serves as a filtering and damping unit for the energy of the returning fluid to the tank.
,,Crane structure,,
to which the boom is attached and the whole is mounted on a wheeled vehicle chassis. Made of black steel, painted with a resistant three-layer system.
,,Hydraulic unit container,,
Stainless steel tank for oil for units with a black steel frame for a pump unit and a service platform with barriers.
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A silo for contaminated water used in industrial water filtration systems.
,,100 litres tanks,,
Two-chamber tank allowing to separate two different fluids. Tank used to power hydraulic systems in heavy construction equipment.
,,10000 litres tank,,
10,000 litres tank used in independent hydraulic drive system supplying pile driver used for piling the seabed.
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,,Hydraulic unit container,,
Stainless steel tank for oil for units with a black steel frame for a pump unit and a service platform with barriers. The tank etched and passivated, and the frames and platform fully painted.
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,,700 litre tank,,
Used to supply power hydraulic system in mobile crawler dredgers.
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,,17000 litres tanks,,
stainless steel tanks used in industrial system to supply power to hydraulic presses and stamping plants. Made of 1.4571 stainless steel.
,,Built-in tank assembly,,
Tank integrated with the frame and the cabinet in which a complete hydraulic system is built in.